equipping ministry leaders



The Progression of Spiritual Leadership 
Faithfulness in our current assignment brings reward and promotion.  We can keep saying, “Yes” to everything God has for us as we focus on stewarding well what He has placed in our hands.
Flesh vs. Spirit: The greatest battle in the Christian life is not the plan of the enemy or the temptation of sin - it’s our own flesh! This lesson shows how the Word equips us to be strong in our spirit and overcome the comfort, desires and patterns of our flesh.

Flesh Vs. Spirit 
The greatest battle in the Christian life is not the plan of the enemy or the temptation of sin - it’s our own flesh! This lesson shows how the Word equips us to be strong in our spirit and overcome the comfort, desires and patterns of our flesh.

From Vague to Vivid:  Clarity is a key component of organizational health.  Success depends on our ability to communicate, strategize and execute with clarity. In these sessions, we will discover how to provide and pursue clarity.

Spiritual Gifts
The Gifts of the Spirit are God-Given, providing help to believers and growth to the local church. This topic will empower us to greater understand, desire and walk in the gifts given by the Holy Spirit.

Operating at Full Power:  Just like every nerve in the body flows through the spine, bringing power to every limb and major organ, power in an organization flows through an aligned structure of authority and relationships. In these sessions, we will examine our personal alignment and learn to make adjustments for operating at full power.

Kingdom First
The more Kingdom-focus we give our life the greater our life becomes!  Let’s learn how to steep our lives in God-reality and God-initiatives and lead others to a life of significance.

Building a Barrier Busting Culture:  Learning to bust through the barriers that stand between success and us is a key characteristic of strong leadership. In these sessions, we will explore techniques to becoming Barrier Busters.

Heart Allegiance
The Word shows that our hearts pledge to love and serve only one Master.  This lesson will help us understand indicators to help ensure that we and those we disciple are giving our allegiance to God.

​Helping People Grasp the Eternal
Being driven by eternity is essential to living the Christian life. As leaders, we empower others to live with an eternal perspective.

​Shepherding the Souls of People
It is a privilege to be entrusted with the work of discipling others and shepherding the souls of people. This topic will help us greater understand our responsibility and how to grow in the skill of shepherding.

​Honor & Humility
Humility is a magnet for God’s Grace and Favor and Honor brings reward. This lesson focuses on how to lead with humility and in an honorable way toward God and others.

​​Led by the Spirit
The most valuable trait of a believer as well as a leader is to be led by the Spirit of God. This lesson shows us ways He speaks to us, and how to train others to hear. 

Dominion & Authority
God created us for dominion and designed us for a position of authority. This lesson shows Gods original design, and our position now, because of the finished work of Christ.

Spiritual Gifts & The Word
We are empowered to lead by the help of the Holy Spirit and the gifts that He gives. People are helped, the church grows and Gods kingdom is advanced as we learn to flow with and operate in the Gifts.



The Heart of God and the Cross 
A true understanding of the power of the Cross not only helps you understand the nature of God, but also provides an understanding of the many benefits and privileges that your relationship with God brings to your life. This powerful topic gives an overview of the different aspects of the nature of God.

The Word of God 
God's Word is an incredible, life-transforming tool. Learn how to correctly handle the Word, its purpose and application in your life. This powerful topic key is catapulting you into an even more amazing relationship with God.

Faith and God's Covenant 
The nature of our relationship with God is revealed in the Bible in different ways. Perhaps the most powerful revelation of all comes through an understanding of covenant. Explore the covenant relationship you have with Him as His child.

Worship & the Spirit-Filled Life 
True worship connects your spirit with the Spirit of God, which transforms the outcomes of your life. To enlarge your revelation of God requires you to grow and mature on the inside. Here you will study keys to a deeper revelation of God and the operation of His Spirit within us.

Discovering Your Purpose in Life 
Discover your position within the eternal plan and purpose of God. This will come by having an expansive revelation of who God is. From this flows revelation of who we are and what is our God-given destiny. This topic will help release you to be ALL that God has called you to be.

Blessed to be a Blessing 
God has promised to bless you for the purpose of being a blessing to your world. This practical topic will show you how to position yourself to influence and impact through a spirit of generosity. We cannot give what we do not have.

Transforming Your Thought Life 
The Bible teaches about identity and the importance of building a powerful perception of your value and destiny. Learn about the power of having your perspective on life line up with what God sees for your life.

The Spirit of an Overcomer 
One of the keys to living life as an overcomer is to understand the importance of aligning your life with the life of the Church. A revelation of your authority in Christ will launch you into, and keep you on course with, your destiny.

Attitudes That Build the House 
There are several attitudes that a believer must have to effectively contribute to building the House. These include faithfulness, a servant heart and wisdom. This topic will both challenge and stir you in your attitudes towards the House.

Heaven is in the House 
Those who are planted in the House of the Lord will flourish. When you are planted, you are positioned to grow and expand into the abundance God has provided to build your life. Discover transforming truths about the Church as a House, a Body as a Family.